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To start the process of joining ViVa, the Government EPI partner planning to use ViVa must have: -
Access to regularly updated stock data at the central level -
A primary user responsible for entering stock data into ViVa on a regular basis (e.g., monthly or bi-weekly) -
A forum for reviewing and analyzing the information captured in ViVa, for example, monthly immunization review meetings or logistics working group meetings -
Support from the UNICEF CO -
Adequate internet connectivity or other solution for entering data at regional level (if using ViVa at the sub-national level) The Government EPI partner will discuss the requirements/support needs with the UNICEF CO. The UNICEF CO should have the capacity to provide necessary support to their partners on ViVa, or will have already discussed support requirements with the ViVa project team in UNICEF Supply Division. -
If the Government EPI partner meets these requirements, it can submit the application form to viva@unicef.org. -
The ViVA project team will schedule a training/overview session with the Government EPI partner. This can be done remotely via Skype for key staff, face-to-face via the UNICEF CO, or through a workshop facilitated by the UNICEF Regional or Country Office. The ViVa project team will then create the country and users in ViVa and upload data to the site. -
The Government EPI partner can begin using ViVa. The ViVa project team updates orders weekly while the EPI partner updates its vaccine stock levels monthly in ViVa. For UNICEF Country Offices ViVa is intended for use by Government EPI partners. In some cases, however, the UNICEF CO may agree to pilot the tool for a period of time before handing it over to their government counterparts. Once the tool is handed over to the government counterpart, the UNICEF CO is expected to continue supporting their partners on ViVa and encouraging updates and analysis of the visualizations (for example, discussed during monthly logistics meetings). | DOWNLOAD THE RELEVANT FORMS: Application Form Questions? Contact us at viva@unicef.org for more information. |