ViVa - Frequently Asked Questions
ViVa Platform
ViVa Training Course on Agora
Who uses ViVa?
The MOH EPI programme is the primary user. In some cases, the UNICEF Country Office has agreed to pilot the tool for a period of time before handover to their government counterparts.
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Where does the information come from?
ViVa uses information both from the country-level user (MOH or Country Office) and from UNICEF Supply Division.
Stock updates come from the country user (MOH Warehouse Manager or Logistician). Users log in and enter the most recent stock levels at the central store.
Confirmed orders come from UNICEF Purchase Orders. Extracted weekly from UNICEF’s ERP system by Supply Division and uploaded into ViVa.
Forecasted orders come from Supply Division, based on the information provided by the country during the annual forecast exercise conducted during the autumn. Updated and uploaded monthly into ViVa.
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How often should countries update stock data?
At least monthly. Some countries update ViVa weekly, which provides the most accurate information. For best results, the frequency of updating ViVa should be linked with existing stock taking practices.
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Does stock level data from the country’s SMT automatically upload to ViVa?
No. Users must log in to ViVa and manually input national and regional stock levels and orders to generate stock projections.
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Does ViVa include both Programme and Procurement Services orders?
Yes. Additionally, Cost Estimates are also shown in ViVa as forecasted (planned) orders.
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Can self-procuring countries use ViVa?
Yes. All UNICEF and non-UNICEF orders can be visualized in ViVa. Purchase Orders from UNICEF are uploaded by the ViVa team at Supply Division. Additionally, country users can enter their own orders if they are self-procuring.
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Is this system linked with existing logistics management information systems (like Logistimo or Navision)?
No. We are looking at the possibility of exporting ViVa data to make it available for other systems, but this option is not possible yet.
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What is the cost of implementation?
None. ViVa is free to use. An online training program is available, which does not incur any cost.
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Do partners (such as CHAI, JSI, Gavi) have access to this information?
No. Information entered into ViVa is confidential and accessible only for a country’s own use via secure login. Countries must request a username and login from UNICEF for access to the system.
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How do we start?
Contact We will schedule an info session with the Country Office to review the tool and requirements.
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Who is the ViVa e-course intended for?
The ViVa Online training course is intended for current and future users of the ViVa platform. The MOH EPI programme is the primary target learner. Other ViVa users, such as country or regional UNICEF staff, as well as other country level or global level vaccines partners will also benefit from this online training course.
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What is Agora?
Agora is an online training platform utilized by UNICEF and other UN agencies to implement remote learning courses to UNICEF staff, government staff, and other partners.
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What is the course duration?
2 to 3 hours
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What are the requirements of the ViVa e-course?
This course requires a computer and a stable internet connection.
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How do I register for the ViVa e-course?
Go to and register for free.
Then, go directly to and click “Join the activity”.
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